For Piano Teachers and Students

I want to collaborate with many piano teachers to offer new ideas, techniques, and ways to improve our studios and give students the confidence to succeed in making music a positive experience

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Summer Specials

Summer time is bittersweet.  It is hard to schedule with so many things up in the air.  But the idea of more free time makes practicing a better possibility.  My sister (who is also a piano teacher) told me a great way to make it easier on everyone.  She had her students pay for 6 weeks of piano lessons during the summer.  Then she was able to choose which weeks to schedule for their vacations and hers.  This summer I taught each week because our schedule wasn't that busy.  I also ran an ad for summer specials at a discounted rate.  I have enjoyed picking up some new students this summer.

Another fun idea that may have to be implemented next summer is piano camps.  I loved this idea from Joy Morin at Color in my piano, and my brain is buzzing!  Summer is when I like doing some music history research papers.  One year I researched composers and would introduce the kids to a picture, bio and snippet of music at the end of their lesson.  Another year I did American music research and we did a genre per month (jazz, blues, ragtime, etc.)  I would like to research some piano games for next year.  If you have any great ideas, I'd love to hear them!